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United State Passport

Going through removal proceedings can be a frightening experience. Many immigrants who are at risk of deportation fear that they’ll have to leave their families and their jobs, and that by returning to their native countries, they’ll be exposed to civil strife. While virtually any immigrant could potentially be at risk of deportation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) must prove that there are grounds for deportation. This means that with the help of a Phoenix deportation attorney, you can fight the removal proceedings.

Individuals Who Are Undocumented Immigrants

Deportation attorneys often represent individuals who are undocumented immigrants. An immigrant may be in the country illegally if he or she stayed in the U.S. beyond the limits of the visa, or if he or she crossed the border without inspection. Absconders are also undocumented immigrants who are at risk of deportation. An absconder is a person who has an old deportation order. It is possible to have an old deportation order without knowing it. Immigrants can call the hotline for the immigration court to determine if they have an old deportation order.

Those Who Have Been Charged with a Crime

Even if you are in the country legally, you could be served with a deportation order if you’ve been convicted of a criminal offense. If you’ve been charged with any type of crime, contact a deportation attorney promptly to determine if your U.S. immigration is in jeopardy.

Immigrants Who Temporarily Leave the U.S.

Immigrants who are in the country legally may run into trouble when they temporarily leave the U.S. and then attempt to re-enter. Any non-citizen can be detained by immigration agents if it is discovered that he or she has an old conviction, even a minor one. You could also be detained if it is determined that you have false papers, a deportation order, or a lack of status.

Those Who Apply for U.S. Citizenship

Before you apply for U.S. citizenship or an adjustment of status, talk to an immigration lawyer. Many immigrants are served with deportation orders in these situations because it may be discovered that they have a history of criminal convictions or an old deportation order.